Golf is more than “grip it and rip it“.
The game of golf is a combination of many skill sets. Most-non-golfers (and some golfers) think all you need to do is swing the golf club as hard as you can. That couldn’t be further from the truth.
Everything you do with your arms, feet, head, hands, wrists, hips, legs and mind affects the flight or path of the ball.
The collection of Quick Golf Tips from PGA Pro Gareth Shaw below are great for golf beginner and those who need some gentle reminders.
If the hole you are playing shapes left to right. Then tee up your golf ball on the left side of the tee box to open up the fairway more. Likewise for holes that go right to left.
If you are putting on a fast golf green and you are worried about the speed of the ball. Then putt the ball from the toe (not the sweet spot/middle) of the putter to slow the putt down.
When you are aiming your golf shot, aim the clubface at your target first. Then step into the shot and align your body to the clubface.
To get perfect ball position with your driver every time. Take a LITTLE step with your left foot and a BIG step with your right foot. This is for a right-handed golfer, reverse the procedure if you are left-handed.
When putting and chipping take your golf glove off as it will help you feel the shot better.
if your ball is going offline. The first thing to do is check your setup. Your shoulders, hips, feet should typically all be parallel. Then check your ball position in your stance.
Gareth Shaw
PGA Professional
Gareth has worked in sport for many years, and over that time he has gained various qualifications and experience:
- PGA Foundation Degree & Accredited PGA Professional
- MSc Applied Sports Psychology
- BSc Sport and Excercise Science
- Chartered Sports Scientist
- BASES Accredited (Sports Science)
Gareth has also developed a series of golf products (Mental Markers & Golf Training Diary) and has been published in an educational journal with a study looking at Choking in Sport.