Golf Tips, Articles & Instructions

Golf is an odd sport when you break it down.

  • You can play it alone, with another person or with three or four people.
  • You can play golf with the bare minimum of equipment or you can have every gadget under the sun.
  • You can play gold with cheap equipment or expensive equipment or a mixture of both.
  • Golf is also all you … if you play well or bad, it’s all on you. No teammate to help or hurt you.
  • Golf can be played locally or anywhere in the world.
  • There are easy courses and difficult courses.

Basically, depending on how good you want to be at golf or how much you want to spend on golf is also up to you.

You can get better at golf if you want to put in the work or you can just whack away and enjoy the outdoors and comrade with your buddies. 

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  • Golf Instruction
  • Golf Training
  • Health & Fitness
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  • Golf Stories

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